What should you send to college with your child?

Congratulations on raising a great kid! At some point your child is probably going to be old enough to establish himself as an adult and leave the nest behind. While he may stay on your health insurance, you will not be in charge of his health anymore. At age 18 your child is a legal adult. He is legally responsible for himself. This means you will not have access to his health records or medical conditions.
Hopefully your child never encounters an accident or illness but those bumps in the road do occur.
How can your family be prepared for an accident or illness?
Make sure your child has the same legal documents everyone should have.
Young adults should have a
Power of Attorney that either takes effect in the case of emergency or is effective immediately,
HIPAA release to allow hospitals and healthcare providers to share your child’s medical information with you, and a
Healthcare Directive to ensure you are able to make medical decisions for your child.
If you would like to learn more about these documents and how they can help your family, call us for an initial appointment with you and your child. We can discuss your situation and then create documents that will meet your goals. Our office: 918-836-6511